How to Choose Your College Courses?

January 23, 2016

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So you’ve finally decided to set off to college and get your college degree. You know the major your interested in and you’ve even passed all the exams and been accepted. The problems is, choosing the right college courses within that major can be overwhelming. Should you go for the easy ones that might guarantee you high grades or take ones that might challenge you, forcing you to invest a lot of time and effort. You might even decide to take specific online courses that will give you the tools needed to confront the business world, post graduation.

College Courses

Let’s face it, picking college courses may not be the highlight of any student’s day to day business, especially if you are heading off to college for the social life. Sure you have some core online classes to take, but your schedule is up to you (for the most part). Despite that being said, there are a few thing to take into consideration when creating your schedule.

In this article we’ll give you a few tips and tricks to help you choose the right classes.

5 College Course Tips and Tricks

1) Go Over All Your Options

The first and foremost is to go to the university or college and look around. See the facilities, talk to the professors and get a feel of the courses that are there to offer. If you’re not sure on which courses to choose from, pick some classes that spark your interest and read about them. You might even be able to ask students that have already taken the class or you can even sign up to pre-uni schemes to help you make up your mind.

2) Create a Schedule That Works

When choosing your college courses its important to remember that you don’t want to be overwhelmed with courses. Imagine your first day looking like a rollercoaster ride, as you race from course to course because you’ve jammed to many into your schedule. Try to spread your courses out over the week so that you have time for studying and other activities each day, and note when classes meet so you don’t double book. Lay out all your courses on a calendar and see how they spread out. Remember not to overload your first semester. It might give you the wrong impression about going to college.

3) Talk to a College Advisor

If you are completely lost when it comes to choosing your courses then speak to a College Advisor. Sometimes a quick conversation with an advisor or counsellor can make all the difference. You can have a Skype conversation, converse over emails or have a personal meeting, but talking to someone who is familiar with the courses and the overall system is always the best way to go about it. We advise to come prepared, with a list of questions and if your advisor can’t answer all your questions don’t be afraid to contact your professor.

4) Maintain balance

It really depends on the type of person you are but here at Buzziplay, our team believe in getting the “ugly” courses out the way and putting them behind you. Don’t get us wrong, there are core courses that are a mans worst nightmare, and you will have to take them in order to get your degree. But sometimes it’s better to take the nightmare courses first, rather than delay them to the next semester. Also, choose classes that require different types of work so you don’t end up writing five papers or solving five problem sets in one week.

5) Have You Got College Credits? You’re in Luck!

When going to college its always advisable to check your General Ed Requirements. Sometimes, your AP, IB, and pre-college course credits may count as some of your Gen Ed requirements. Find out if you can use them to fulfil any core requirements before you register to the course. You can also get out of required courses by scoring well on a college placement exams.

Our Conclusions

On one hand, going to college can be an amazing experience, on the other hand, it can be a time of complete stress and suffering, especially if you don’t plan ahead. One of the major things to take into consideration is the amount of stress you want to take on. Like we said in number 4, maintaining a good balance is a key factor to having a good time and maximising your college ROI.

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